Greg Salazar
Greg Salazar (PhD, Cambridge University) is the planting Pastor for a new Church in Charlotte, NC and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
He and his family first had a sense that God might call them to church planting 12 years ago when he was completing his seminary studies. He and his family are thrilled that Central Carolina presbytery has called them to plant a PCA church just south of downtown/Uptown in the neighborhood of Myers Park—where the PCUSA’s denominational university Queen’s University is located—and to be moving back to his home state.
Greg grew up in North Carolina. He was raised a non-Christian home, but became a Christian in June 2002 after hearing the gospel (the “Romans Road to salvation”) at Young Life’s Malibu Club Camp in British Columbia.
His passion for the Lord and theological studies began at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was a Religious Studies major and volunteer Young Life leader. Other formative experiences in college include living a “Mrs. D’s house” with other Young Life leaders and guys involved in Cru and Inter-varsity; working as a volunteer at Young Life’s summer camps four summers in a row; discovering the doctrines of grace through the sermons and writings of John Piper, Tim Keller, J.I. Packer, and James Montgomery Boice; and experiencing discipleship in his local church.
Following college he worked for two years at The Falls Church, a historic (founded 1734) Reformed Anglican Church in Northern Virginia, where he was a Falls Church Fellow and then Study Assistant to the Rev. Dr. John Yates (a Board and Council member for The Gospel Coalition).
In 2009, Greg began his MDiv studies at Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando, FL) and fell in love with and married his wife Christie (Uliano) at the end of his first year of seminary (July 2010). Christie is Greg’s best friend and serves a certified birth and postpartum doula.
Following his graduation from seminary in 2012 Greg and his then pregnant wife moved to England (just West of London) for him to work for a year as a personal and research assistant for Rev. Dr. Greg Livingstone, the founder of Frontiers Missions—the largest missions organization in the world to unreached Muslim peoples (John Piper dedicated Brothers We are Not Professionals to Dr. Livingstone).
Greg began his doctoral studies in Church history at Cambridge University in the fall of 2013 before moving to Grand Rapids, MI to take a call as a Professor of Historical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary where he served for five and half years. During his time at PRTS he served as an Associate Pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church in the Grand Rapids, MI, before sensing a call to full-time pastoral ministry and accepting a call to serve as the Senior Pastor of a PCA church in the Savannah, GA area.
He is regularly called upon to speak at various church conferences and academic forums.
He the author or editor of several books—volume six of The Works of William Perkins (RHB, 2018), and William Perkins: Architect of Puritanism (RHB 2020); Calvinist Conformity in Post-Reformation England (Oxford University Press, 2022).
He is also a contributor to Crossway’s Church History Study Bible (Crossway, 2022) and has written articles for Desiring God and Tabletalk magazine.
He is currently working on several major writing projects, including a comprehensive history of puritanism entitled A Puritan History: The Past for the Present, to be published as a companion volume complementing Joel Beeke’s comprehensive theology of puritanism (A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life). He is also the co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Puritanism (forthcoming, Oxford University Press, 2025).
His ongoing interests include:
- Expository Preaching
- Sexual addiction
- Mental illness
- Jonathan Edwards
- English and American Puritanism
- Reformed theology.
Church Ministry
He is also the Founder and President of the James Fellowship, a non-profit (501c3) ministry that serves the Church by establishing intensive discipleship groups in local churches for men recovering from sexual addiction
Greg has a particular passion that Christ’s people would enter into personal relationship with Jesus Christ, grow in a love for God’s word, and experience the transforming and renewing power of the Holy Spirit, who progressively enable our minds, hearts, and character to be transformed as we submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Greg and his wife Christie have five children—Catie-Claire Annabelle (b. November 2012), John Haddon (b. March 2015), James Owen (b. August 2018), William Henry (b.August 2021), Ellie-Grace Alatheia (due summer 2024).